Past Updates
17 November 2013: In The Limits Of Perception, the world is seen through the eyes and stolen thoughts of young Tom Riddle, while in Real, the complicated marriage and friendship between Rodolphus and Bellatrix is explored.
4 November 2013: In Not Loveless and Dark Knight, Bella's return from Azkaban in the Biophilia universe are explored, while in The Edge of Reality, Tom is intrigued when Bella sees through his manipulations - and doesn't seem to mind.
8 September 2013: In Biophilia and Chameleon, Voldemort's complex and flawed relationships with his mother, his Horcruxes, and Bella are explored, while in One's Station In Life, Bella's father asks the Dark Lord to get her under control, and plays unwittingly into their hands.
6 July 2013: In Proxy, Lucius does the unthinkable to spare his wife, while Bellatrix and the Dark Lord are caught in a web of lies, manipulation, and their own twisted brand of love in The Kings and Queens of May, Into The Donacon, and Damnable.
27 February 2013: In Mark of Cain, Narcissa Malfoy learns a secret about her husband that turns the tables on their lifeless marriage, and in Garden of Memories, she and Lucius defend each other and their marriage from the Dark Lord, risking everything they've worked to save.
20 December 2012: In Witch Break A Vow, Astoria Greengrass learns that sometimes there are no good choices, only ones that contain the damage.
23 October 2013: In Silver Starlight and Golden Wine, Narcissa's wedding night is a journey of trust. It's a standalone moment in the Blue Vial universe, but it can be read on its own. Meanwhile, in Folie A Deux (Madness of the Two), Voldemort and Bellatrix lead each other deeper into madness.
14 October 2012: In Under Your Skin, a piece of unashamed Hallowe'en fluff, seventeen-year-old Tonks flirts shamelessly with her Potions Professor. Snape gives as good as he gets. Also added Want You To Want Me, a standalone Sons of July missing scene, in which Tonks seduces a willing Lucius for her own ends - but both get more than they bargained for.
22 September 2012: In Of Vials Blue and Shades of Grey, Narcissa knows there is another woman, but learning who and why makes for hard choices to bring them all through. Narcissa POV on The Blue Vial. Also, in Spoken For, we meet the Pureblood children of Hogwarts whose marriages have already been arranged when they arrive.
8 September 2012: In The Blue Vial, Lucius offers Tonks a choice between an easy death and the means to endure the torture he has been instructed to inflict on her. The resulting revilement/sympathy between them will be both their comfort and their imprisonment for the rest of their lives. Also posting a major update to The Substitute (half as long again) and minor edits to Two Of A Kind: Yule Interlude.
12 June 2012: In The Substitute, Lucius and Tonks enter a marriage of convenience to facilitate Narcissa and Draco's escape, and facilitate her infiltration of the Death Eaters. It soon becomes a folie a deux - for them, and for Snape as well. Tonks is torn between who she is and who she pretends to be.
8 May 2012: In Sons of July, the arranged marriage and deep friendship between Lucius and Narcissa sets the scene for the Dark Lord's last stand. They and their private loves, spies Nymphadora and Severus, all have secrets, and sacrifices will be needed along the way.
7 April 2012: In Kill To Be Kind, an AU battle scene set at Malfoy Manor, Lucius and Tonks debate the relative merits of loving and killing one another. Also, I've revived an old story, Between Worlds, which I took down at one time in response to fandom developments that no longer appear to be at issue. In this crackpot Chamber of Secrets missing scene, Moaning Myrtle meets a ghost who isn't quite dead yet. Non-explicit underage fumblings and humour ensue.
4 January 2012: In Two Of A Kind: A Yuletide Interlude, Andromeda comes to terms with her flight from her family of origin, against the backdrop of Nymphadora's and Lucius' growing attachment. Meanwhile, in Fair Fight, a humour SSHG piece, Snape is a reluctant war hero, and the witches come a-courting. To his bemusement, Hermione is one of them.
8 December 2011: In Part 4 of Two Of A Kind, Tonks allows herself to see who Remus really was, while the final chapter sees both Lucius and Tonks make their peace with their lost loves and face their future together.
15 October 2011: Part 3 of Two Of A Kind sees Harry Potter's Lucius torn between the wife he lost and the woman he loves now.
2 October 2011: A site overhaul, a new Harry Potter theme, and special pages for some of the other collections (especially TSCC, which is on the backburner but not forgotten).
1 October 2011: I've restored my translations page, and added a Chinese translation of I Enjoy You with thanks to Joanne. :)
26 September 2011: In the postwar ficlet I Enjoy You, Hermione uses a willing Snape to make Ron jealous, only to find she's happy right where she is. Meanwhile, Two of a Kind (Part 1 of 2), an AU postwar novella, sees Lucius and Tonks widowed and finding their way through grief together.
28 August 2011: In Vigil, Hermione takes a moment by a lonely grave, to reflect on the schoolgirl crush who became her hero.
9 August 2011: In How It Happened Doesn't Matter, an AU Snape/Hermione (SSHG) postwar novella, an adult Hermione keeps her power in an impossible situation and helps end the war - only to lose her choices afterwards.
27 July 2011: Two additions to the Harry Potter binge. The Good Wife explores the complex Malfoy marriage, while the challenge fic It Takes A Pragmatist sees a newly dead Snape looking after his House.
24 July 2011: Goode and Evil sees Sarah Connor Chronicles' Andy Goode after the bombs begin to fall, while in Harry Potter land, Snape is having rebound encounters with Tonks, separated from his son by the Oblivate curse, and in an old unfinished piece of humour, pregnant after a misbegotten spell; Narcissa is recovering after the war and finding strength within it, and in an old slash-humour Chamber Of Secrets tie-in, Ginny is finding that death isn't so bad after all. I've also linked to a couple of old HP fics just to round out the collection.
10 June 2011: War is an explicit piece of Sarah/Derek love-hate, while four Valentine's Day drabbles see love, hope, and angst for TSCC's Sarah/Derek, Haven's Audrey/Julia, Tin Man's Glitch/Azkadelia and Imagine Me And You's Rachel/Luce.
20 December 2010: Unfinished Business is a Derek/Sarah one-shot, and Knowing is a glimpse into the world of Haven's Lucy Ripley.
14 November 2010: Five Times Sarah Connor Sold Her Body To Save The World (And One Time She Didn't) is a dark exploration of Sarah's journey of survival and utility, told in six vignettes.
7 November 2010: In Cold Comfort, a rambling little To The Lighthouse post-ep, Derek and Sarah trade hard truths about themselves they are, and as they'd like to be.
20 October 2010: Just a little Queen's Gambit one-shot today. In Fearful Symmetry, Derek Reese realises that John Connor is his brother's son, and that he has someone new to give his life to.
4 September 2010: I have given the site a facelift to reflect its current Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles focus, with particular focus on Sarah and Derek. I have also updated the format to reflect current web standards (ie, larger screens and smaller default font sizes). The old X Files Krycek/Marita layout is still in use on older directory pages. Also, I am uploading a new Sarah/Derek novella set around Born to Run.
15 August 2010: Now that I'm writing again, I have transferred the 2003-2007 era to its own page. I also have added a couple of recent Sarah Connor Chronicles fic. I have a novella in the works, as well.
4 October 2009: A few recent fics in Sarah Connor Chronicles and Harry Potter. The most recent two are for the Support Stacie Author Auction.
9 April 2009: Just a few short fics I've written for friends over the last eighteen months. Most are in Sarah Connor Chronicles fandom.
July 2007: Life has taken me in a lot of new directions, so I haven't written for a very long time. But Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows inspired a couplet, Unbreakable and The Space Between. In Unbreakable, Narcissa stumbles onto Snape's secret, and in The Space Between, Lily shares a moment with Severus in a place between worlds.
June 2005: I haven't written in a while, but the 2004 Spooky Awards are in, and I got a few nods (details on the Awards page). Thank you, everyone!
6 January 2004: Just a quick update! The Spooky Awards are in, and I did pretty well! All in all, I'm happy enough. I got more top-three placings than last year, I was treated well by voters and had the affirmation of my peers, all while working in subject areas most readers won't touch with a bargepole. It doesn't really get much better than that. Thank you, everyone!
16 December 2003: Posting another Krycek/Diana story today. Tell Me A Story is another take on a hurt/comfort relationship between these two in Season 6, while Marita and Mulder are out of reach. Set in a different universe to The Cold White Room, this one is a bittersweet tale of sacrifice and renewal.
10 December 2003: Posting one new story today. The Cold White Room is an angsty moment between Krycek and Diana on Christmas Day in Season 6. I've also updated my Awards & Recs page with some recent or forthcoming recommendations of my work, and details of my finalist nods in the 2003 Spooky Awards. If you haven't voted in the final round yet, there's still time! Voting closes on Friday. Thanks to everyone as always for all your support.
I'm known for being pretty tardy with my email anyway, but I want to issue an apology for those of you who've written to me in the last two months. I've been swamped with XFVCU and, more recently, some unexpected curve balls in real life. I'm not ignoring you - I'm just chronically behind. I'm hoping to catch up over the Christmas break.
18 November: I'm posting three new stories today. Before is a tiny 155-word Knowle/Shannon snippet. I don't normally write 155-word pieces, but this one - originally meant to be part of a larger work in progress - just seemed to work on its own. There is a longer Knowle/Shannon backstory in the works revolving around the same idea, but that will be a while off yet.
Also up today is The Slender Line, a somewhat experimental retelling of the Cigarette Smoking Man's descent into madness. I'm particularly proud of this one, and it plays with some of my pet theories about his character. Finally, Before I Walk On Fire is an XFVCU tie-in, an NC17 elaboration on Follmer and Yolanda's love scene in Prism. You can probably get by without reading Prism for this one, though obviously it will have a fuller meaning in context. I've also done some site tweaking. Stories have a more user-friendly layout, as do some of the collections. As you may be able to see, I've changed the default fonts for most pages to Georgia and News Gothic MT (if you can't see any difference, you may not have those fonts installed). I've also split the 2002 stories off onto their own page to make room on this page for the coming year.
In other news, the Spooky Awards are here again, and I have quite a few nominations. Thank you to everyone who is nominating and voting (for myself or others) - the fandom's support is what makes these awards worthwhile. Finally, I have a special treat for Krycek/Marita fans at Blondie's Ratcave - second production unit outtakes from the Patient X kiss.
5 November: I'm adding my two latest XFVCU episodes, Catacomb and Prism today, as well as a tiny Catacomb missing scene called Other Duties. Prism was co-written with CindyET, Emily M, Eodrakken Quicksilver, Lara Means and Maidenjedi, and I'm particularly proud of that one.
26 September: Posting one short story today. Like Glowing Embers is a follow-up to Caro de carne mea. It's a gentler story of solace after the harshness of the first. It's situated in 1991 and rated R for low-key sexual references.
19 September: Posting two new short stories today. Caro de carne mea is a moment between Knowle and Shannon pre-XF. It's NC17, so don't read it if you're too young to know what goes where. The Beginning Of The Long Goodbye is a Follmer/Reyes vignette set after NIHT II.
10 September: I'm posting the XFVCU pilot today. Midnight In The Firing Line is a casefile and an introduction to a new-look X Files mythology set eighteen months after The Truth. Mulder, Scully, Doggett, Reyes, Krycek, Fowley, Spender and Follmer have been reunited in the basement, and no-one's happy about it! But a new political landscape makes them take stock and keep on working.
7 September 2003: I've made some minor edits to this week's fic Evolution, just for better flow. It's unlikely anyone but me will notice the difference! If you haven't seen it, Evolution is a post-col Knowle/Shannon vignette, in which humanity is at the forefront of their minds and the focus of their bond. Plus, I'm this month's featured author over at How Will It End - go take a look! Circe ran a heap of questions by me, and as always, I have lots to say. *cough*
I have also finished tweaking the revised layout - I've made the various pages more uniform, added some navigation links, broken up the date and collections listings for quicker load times, and added a few more collections, as well. This completes the transition to the new look, with the exception of converting 1996-2002 stories to the new scripts for better accessibility. That's an ongoing project for the next couple of months. Thank you for your patience, and don't forget to check that any bookmarks or links you might have to the site are correct. Meanwhile, I'm off to finish writing the XFVCU pilot.
1 September 2003: One new story today. Evolution is a post-col Knowle/Shannon vignette, in which humanity is at the forefront of their minds and the focus of their bond. Also today is a major revamp, with a revised layout and new scripts added to convert stories to large print and archive-friendly formats. These have been implemented for all 2003 stories and will be added in the near future for older stories as well. I'm moving the site over to deslea.com to accommodate the scripts, so many URLs will change. Archivists who link to stories need to check their links. I'd like to thank Amy at xfilesfanfiction.com for her generosity in hosting me for the last few years.
24 August 2003: Adding a short story today. Don't Stop Swaying is a moment between Knowle and Shannon in the aftermath of NIHT 2, in which fleeting hostilities speak of deeper things. I'm working on a casefile for XFVCU, a new virtual series, as well.
12 August 2003: Adding new cover art to the Knowle/Shannon vignette I posted on August 2. Act Of Contrition is an Eschaton missing scene, in which we get a glimpse of Shannon's journey through that universe. It can be read without knowledge of Eschaton. I wasn't happy with the original art, and didn't feel it captured what the story was about.
29 June 2003: New short post-col, I Believe, in which Marita delivers a speech to the tattered remnant of casualties of war. This one's been knocking around my hard drive in bits for a while, and I'm glad to finally have it out there.
7 June 2003: New, short smut biscuit today. It was for a challenge, and it's higher-level smut than I usually write, so don't read it if you aren't old enough to know what goes where, 'kay?
30 May 2003: One short new piece today. The Lone Hand is just a moment between Diana and Jeffrey early in their partnership. In this The Beginning missing scene, the new partners reach an understanding. Also, some students at a school with which I am involved have discovered my sketch art site, and although it would take several off-clicks, it's not impossible that my students could find this page. So, I've added a parental advice.
21 May 2003: Posting a new, short piece today. Wonderment is just a quick glimpse into the world of Mrs Van De Kamp, the woman who adopted William.
7 May 2003: Posting a short piece today. Hybrid Kisses is a short Knowle/Shannon piece situated in December 1983, the night before the transformation. Also, thanks to everyone for the lovely response to Eschaton, which was recommended at Musea.
27 March, 2003: The Knowle/Shannon backstory that ate my brain is done! Eschaton is here, and I'm going to get some sleep. Phew!
17 March, 2003: Posting a short fic for KristenK2's birthday today. I've had trouble writing Skinner the last couple of years, but hey, anything for friendship. *grin* It was a bit of a challenge, but I think it turned out pretty well. It's called The Visitor, and it's a post-col Existence tie-in with shades of Krycek/Marita.
22 February, 2003: Posting a piece of insanity that arose from the same challenge as the one that yielded The Hubris Of Theodora. No, I don't know how I got such vastly different fics out of the same challenge. Anyway, it's a parody XF/Addam's Family crossover called A Family Affair: A Fractured Fairytale. Be warned, it's pretty creepy, a little kooky. *grin*
19 February, 2003: I'm posting a very short piece today, just over 600 words. It's a The Truth post-ep, Shannon McMahon POV, written for a Haven challenge. I don't normally do elements challenges, but the frame of reference for this one intrigued me, so...uh...here it is. It's called The Hubris Of Theodora.
11 February, 2003: Posting a new novella today. Restitution is a Krycek/Marita mytharc tie-in, covering the years from Herrenvolk to The Truth. I'm really, really happy about this one. It's around the 22,000 word mark - a nice long read.
Thank you to everyone who voted for me in the Spooky awards. Several of my works were recognised (details here). Thank you, so much.
Older update history for the period 1996-2002 has not been preserved.